Our Leadership
Our Leadership
Temple Emeth is fortunate to have many dedicated laypeople guiding our spiritual and social path. Our officers, Board of Trustees, and committee chairs are always ready to welcome you. You can reach an officer by clicking on the email link below their names.
Temple Emeth Officers, 2024-25
Mazel Tov to our 2024-25 officers, pictured in our Sanctuary during their installation. Pictured, back row, left to right: Cantor Ellen Tilem; Gary Richards, treasurer; Alan Winters, financial secretary; Paula Dillon, assistant financial officer; Jill Kantor, assistant secretary; and Rabbi Steven Sirbu. Bottom row, left to right: Stacey Butler, second vice president; Michael Goldberg, president; Marsha Sobel, first vice president. Missing: Steve Clark, third vice president, and Marty Breznick, secretary. Photo by Barbara Balkin.
Officers 2024–2025
Board of Trustees 2024-2025
Hildy Dillon
Amanda Eastman
Gregory Janoff
Robert Kahn
Elaine Nissen
Susan Schwartz
Stefanie Stokes
Deborah Veach
Michael Robinson
Immediate Past President
Marc Chelemer
Past President
Wendy Dessanti
Past President
Mon, September 9 2024
6 Elul 5784