The Membership Committee is responsible for developing strategies to recruit and retain members. Recruitment efforts may include outreach to families and individuals in the community and beyond who are not yet affiliated with a congregation. Members of the Committee, as well as fellow Congregants reach out to new member families to help them integrate comfortably within our Temple and to encourage their involvement in synagogue activities, often serving as buddies to meet and share company at various synagogue services and events. The Committee and Congregants may also assist in maintaining communications with other members to reinforce our concern for all synagogue members regardless of tenure or degree of involvement.
Who are the members of Temple Emeth?
People just like you and those different from you.
People who care about Judaism or the Jewish people or Jewish values.
People who are questioning and exploring.
People who are new to Judaism and those who have deep roots in Jewish living.
People who grew up in every kind of Jewish home, or who come from other religious backgrounds or no religion at all.
How do I learn more about membership – or join?
To assist Temple clergy, staff, and lay leadership in helping to enrich your Temple Emeth experience, please fill out a membership application. We look forward to learning more about you and what you’re looking for in a synagogue!
Step-by-Step Membership
1) Speak with Membership, Rabbi
2) Read about The Voluntary Commitment Model
3) Fill out the Membership Application here
4) As part of your Membership Application, make your pledge, submit initial payment and create your payment plan.
5) If you are registering a child for school, there’s one more link.
My spouse/partner is Jewish and I am not. Will we be welcome at Temple Emeth?
Without hesitation, the answer is YES. Both Temple Emeth and the Reform Movement (the denomination of Judaism of which Temple Emeth is a member) have long histories of welcoming interfaith families. Many of our members are part of an interfaith family, whether they are married/partnered with a non-Jewish spouse, were raised by interfaith parents, or have siblings and children who are intermarried.
If we join Temple Emeth, will a non-Jewish partner be considered a full member?
Yes! When a family or a couple joins Temple Emeth, all immediate family members are considered full members. We encourage everyone to participate fully in all aspects of Temple life.
As the non-Jewish parent in an interfaith family, will I be able to participate in our child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
Participation in your child’s bar or bat mitzvah is one of the most meaningful aspects of temple life and Temple Emeth is sure to include the entire family in the celebration of this event. While there are some aspects of Jewish ritual life that are reserved for Jews to fulfill, all parents and family members will have an opportunity to participate in a meaningful way. Our Rabbi will be happy to discuss this with you in further detail.
Will I ever be pressured to convert to Judaism?
The Jewish community takes delight in welcoming those who choose to embrace Judaism as their own religion. You are welcome in Reform synagogues, and you do not have to convert. If, however, you are interested in pursuing a journey toward conversion, our Rabbi is always here to serve as your guide.
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
Temple Emeth ensures that our community is welcoming and inclusive. Reform Judaism has a long and proud history of working for the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people and Jews of Color in Jewish life and for their full civil rights. The social justice hub of the Reform movement, the Religious Action Center (RAC), has been at the forefront of the fight for diversity, equality and inclusion. Temple Emeth's Viewpoints Committee presents a variety of programs that celebrate the rich diversity of the Jewish community.
Come visit and see how well you fit in at Temple Emeth!
Additional Questions?
Contact our Membership Committee at or the Temple Emeth office at or 201-833-1322