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Our Voluntary Commitment Model — T'rumot Halev

Temple Emeth has a voluntary commitment model, based on Gifts of the Heart — T'rumot Halev.  While we have a suggested amount that we ask, members determine their own level of financial commitment to the synagogue.

Our goal is to be a diverse and welcoming congregation, while meeting Temple Emeth's financial obligations. We wish to avoid putting stress on any household which, under a fixed-dues structure, would necessitate  a request for a downward adjustment of their dues. By asking you to voluntarily  commit to an amount that is appropriate for you, we hope that you will choose to be both generous and realistic — motivated by the level of commitment you feel to Temple Emeth and to the Jewish community in general. 

Your pledge covers our operating and capital budgets, including salaries for our wonderful clergy and staff, and the day-to-day operations of running our synagogue and maintaining our beautiful building. The operating budget also supports the cost of hosting a wide variety of activities, including:

  •  Shabbat and Festival services that are open to all
  • A wide range of programming, including Adult Education, Trachtenberg Lecture, Scholar-in-Residence Weekend, Viewpoints programming, Social Action activities, Shabbatons, and Torah Study
  • Streaming and Zoom capability to allow access and participation from home
  • High Holy Day tickets, including tickets for your adult children
  • Celebrations of Simchas, like baby namings, special birthdays and anniversaries
  • Comfort and ritual in time of loss, including Shiva Minyans and Funerals

We will continue to do other fundraising events, such as Shalach Manot, our Spring Gala, and Bazaar, and may continue to charge for special events like our Chanukah Dinner and Second Night Congregational Passover Seder. Meals before other special events also have a cost.

At Temple Emeth, your heartfelt generosity is needed, and our appreciation is beyond measure.

Let us work together to support and sustain our vibrant Temple Emeth Community, now and far into the future.

Membership payment
To pay by credit card, please contact the Temple office staff at 201-833-1322 or

Each spring, we hold a special Membership Shabbat to honor congregants who have been members in multiple of five years. Pictured above are those recognized in 2024.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785