Temple Emeth, under the enthusiastic and knowledgeable leadership of Rabbi Sirbu and Cantor Tilem, serves as a center of learning as well as a social center and a place to act on our commitment to make our world a better place.
Our activities continue to grow and include members of all ages. For our children, we offer Religious School, the Emeth Teen Community (ETC), and Etz Chayim, our youth choir. For adults, we offer B'yachad, Adult Education, Torah Study, and a wide variety of social and educational programs.
Contributions at every level are important and very much appreciated.
All Circle of Friends contributions will be inscribed in our permanent Book of Friends in our lobby. Donors, Patrons, Benefactors and Sustainers will be listed by category on our Donor Wall.
$3600 and up Benefactors
$2400-$3599 Patrons
$1300-$2399 Donors
$650-$1299 Sponsors
$300-$649 Contributors
$139-$299 Friends
up to $138
Mon, September 9 2024
6 Elul 5784